Saturday, November 13, 2010

English Term 1 Final Project: Big Idea Prezi

For my final project, I have chosen present the big idea in the form of a Prezi. It was my first experience with the program, and I found it very helpful. When you use this link, it will take you to the site. Once you are there, click on the "More" option and view "Full Screen". You can navigate through ideas with the arrow keys (right to go forward, and left to go backward). If you have any questions, you can ask me. Enjoy!


  1. Hey Pavan! I looked at ur Prezi and it's really good! I also agree with your point, that each individual has the freedom of choice and have the liberty to make decisions and take responsibilities for their own actions. I also like how you talked about external factors that may cause these individuals to lose that freedom. Good job! :)

  2. I liked your Prezi! It was simple, yet effective. It had alot of information about the stories and presented it well.
